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List pending invitations

Returns all pending invitations queued for an organization

Path Parameters
    org_id string required

    unique id of the organization to which user is invited

Query Parameters
    user_id string

    user_id filter is the email id of user who are invited inside the organization.


A successful response.

    invitations object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique invitation identifier.

    user_id string

    The user email of the invited user.

    org_id string

    The organization id to which the user is invited.

    group_ids string[]

    The list of group ids to which the user is invited.

    metadata object

    The metadata of the invitation.

    created_at date-time

    The time when the invitation was created.

    expires_at date-time

    The time when the invitation expires.

    role_ids string[]

    The list of role ids to which the user is invited in an organization.

  • ]